November 8, 2022


When I was contacted initially for a Speaking Gig in Clonmel for High Performance Boxers I was intrigued with the thinking behind the request.
Corresponding with the Sponsors & Meeting the Management & Coaches before & after the event I am more than impressed.

It’s an insight into why Boxers are having so much success.The organisers of this event wanted me to talk about sports & some of my own experiences & achievements.(good/bad)

But they particularly encouraged me to delve into Lifeskills, Adversity, Resilience & MINDSET.
We initiated a 6 part programme that we will roll out over the next 12 Months.

My audience were young people, sports minded but also maturing young adults dealing with every day stresses & issues.

Other organisations & businesses can learn so much from this approach.
Minding & Developing the Team from a Personal Perspective. Improving their own lives to achieve better results all around.

These young athletes from varied backgrounds are Living in a rapidly changing world. The platform I set out for them last night will help them focus & look at every aspect of their lives.

Going forward we will Set Goals, Develop a Positive Growth MINDSET.
Explore Influential Factors, Learn how to Make Changes, Deal with Success, Adversity & Fear & Build Resilience along the Journey.
#team #success #management #people #event #mindset #sports #help #growth #themindsetcoach








Mairtin Og Mc Donagh

Accredited Life Coach with a Passion for Outdoor Adventure.
Helping busy People with their Work Life Balance
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