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We provide best gardening & Landscaping services

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Gardening 20 years

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Landscaping 15 years

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What kind of include services we are offering


Design & Planting

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Lawn & Garden Care

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Soil Preparation

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Stone & Hard Scaping

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Watering & Irrigation

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Spring & Fall Cleanup

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25 +

Years Experience

500 k

Happy Customers

800 +

Garden Created

100 +

Team Members

Completed Projects

Discover of our featured completed projects

Have any plan for a garden !!!

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Why Choose Us

Our best reliable gardening and lawnscaping services

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Available 24/7

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Creative ideas

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Free quotation

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Customer Focused

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Free Estimation


    Team Members

    Our trained and qualified staff


    What clients says about our services

    • When I first met Máirtín through a friend’s recommendation, I wasn’t sure what to expect.Within 5 mins of talking to him I was at complete ease and felt like I knew him all my life.Máirtín has really help me to improve and reach goals in both my business and my personal life. He always listens intently, asking the questions which eventually guide and lead to the real answers.

      I can’t recommend Máirtín enough, he has a great personality, and he has really helped me to reflect, see things from a different perspective and make great improvements. His life experience really shines through. He has a great understanding of people and life in general.

      I look forward to working with him again in the future."

      Client Image
      • Michael G
    • "Working with Mind Over Mountains has been a game changer for me . The Programme made me look at parts of my life that I had not addressed in many years, while also addressing some mindset issues around my beliefs & negativity. My growth has been off the charts in all areas of my life.The guidance, support & expertise I have received has helped me unlock my true potential. I've achieved goals I never thought possible for myself.I find I am more confident & motivated than ever before.

      If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, I highly recommend Mairtin Og as a coach."

      Client Image
      • Barbara
    • "I highly recommend Máirtín Og @ Mind Over Mountains as a business coach. In our collaboration over the past year, he showcased exceptional expertise and dedication. With an attentive and practical approach based on his own real world experiences, he offered strategic guidance that was instrumental in my personal growth. His ability to listen and pinpoint areas for consideration sets him apart. His approach is to offer a knowledgeable question as opposed to a direction which ultimately, takes one much further.

      Anyone seeking impactful business coaching would greatly benefit from his expertise."

      Client Image
      • W Healy
    • " Having just completed the ' Navigating Your Own Pathway ' programme with Máirtín, I feel the progress that I have made is way beyond expecations. From the outset, I have been supported, guided and most importantly, I have been given the tools that I need to continue my pathway in a positive and healthy direction. The fact that Máirtín is completely invested in you and is really on your side, is the difference between being a success or not. I have adjusted my Mindset, and as a result I feel much more confidant in my career and personal life. I have set some new goals based on my values and I look forward to living a healthier & happier life. It took me a long time to reach out for the help that I needed, but it was certaintly worth it in the end. I will continue to work with Máirtin to ensure that I stay committed and achieve the goals that I have set out for myself. I certainly would have no hesitation in recommending Máirtín and this Programme to anyone that feels like they need some help to get where they want to be or change what they need to change". Thanks for everything Máirtín Óg,  

      Client Image
      • Barry
    • "Go raibh maith agat Mairtìn ...After watching Máirtíín's video with great interest I decided to get myself checked out .I made an appointment in the Matter and arranged an angiogram which showed that I needed a triple bypass. On the 4th August I had the operation which thankfully was a complete success and I am now fully recovered. Thank you very much for your post on Facebook as if I had not seen it I would not have bothered with a check up."

      Client Image
      • Paddy
      • Dublin
    • "Give Mind Over Mountains a like, you’ll be happy you did.... I’ve been following his motivational chats on Facebook, for months now. It was those chats that got me thinking about climbing a mountain in the first place and I haven’t looked back. To meet him, on my way over a mountain, was just ironic!"

      Client Image
      • Antoinette
      • Galway
    • I am delighted to share some fantastic CLIENT TRANSFORMATION CHRONICLES :

      "Having just completed the "Navigating Your Own Pathway"programme with Mairtín, I feel the progress that I have made is way beyond my expectations.

      From the very outset, I have been supported, guided and most importantly, I been given the tools that I need to continue my pathway in a positive and healthy direction. The fact that Mairtín is completely invested in you, and is really on your side is the difference between it being a success and not a success.  It took me a long time to reach out for the help that I needed but it was certainly worth it the end.

      I will continue to work with Mairtín to ensure that I achieve the goals that I have set for myself. I certainly would have no hesitation in recommending Mairtín to anyone that feels like they need some help to get to where they want to be, or change what they need to change. Thanks for everything Mairtín."

      Client Image
      • Barry
      • Galway
    • "I have just completed a 5 week online course with Mairtin of Mind over mountains called “Navigating your pathway”. This course aims to help you create a healthy work/life balance. I found the course excellent, it forced me to look at areas in my life that needed more attention & to prioritise those areas,  while guiding me to give less time & energy to the areas that were not serving me in a positive way. The course was easy to follow, informative, positive & helped me to really look deep within & assess my life. I have already made numerous changes and feel positive moving forward having set some serious short and long term goals for myself."

      Client Image
      • Jackie Veale
      • Co Owner Q Beauty
    • "Ó rinne mé an cúrsa le Mairtín, táim tosaithe ag feiceáil mo chuid ghníomhartha laethúla ar bhealach difriúil. Bhí a fhios agam roimh ré gur theastaigh uaim níos mó am a chaitheamh le mo chlann ach ní raibh a fhios agam conas é seo a bhaint amach. Mhúin an cúrsa dom conas clár na bhfuílleach a dhéanamh amach idir obair agus saoil teaghlaigh. Anois nuair atá mé le mó chlann tá mé leo céad faoin chéad agus nuair atá mé ag obair tá mé dírithe go hiomlán ar an obair. Le tuiscint níos fearr orm fhein agus ar an bhfáth a n-iompraím, táim níos sona agus níos táirgiúla. Mholfainn an cúrsa seo d’aon duine atá ag iarraidh treochlár le haghaidh todhchaí níos fearr agus níos rathúla."

      Client Image
      • Donal O Domhnaill
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